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Postdoc Fund

The PCMO seeks to support postdocs at Justus Liebig University Giessen in sharing current scientific findings with their scientific community, extending and strengthening their network and expanding their qualifications within and beyond their discipline. We therefore grant financial support for participation in scientific conferences as well as individual further education and training measures to promote your academic career (e.g. courses or individual consultations). The decisive factor for funding is the benefit for the applicant’s scientific career development as well as the fit with their current or future research and career profile.

You are not sure if your project fits the guidelines? Do you have questions about the application form or about the required documents? You are not sure whether a benefit you requested falls under the ban on combining funding?  

We can answer you these and more questions. Feel free to call us (Diana Hitzke, +49 641 99-12355) or send us an .


Application periods

The PCMO steering committee decides on the grants every three months. Please note that the event you are requesting funding for must take place after the end of the respective application deadline. The next 2024 and 2025 application deadlines are:

  • November 22nd, 2024
  • February 21st, 2025
  • May 30th, 2025
  • September 5th, 2025
  • November 21st, 2025

Call for applications (EN) 

You will find all information about the application and conditions for funding in the call for applications. Please read them carefully before applying. 
You can download the latest version of the call for applications here:
Download call for applications (EN) 

Application form (EN) 

If you want to apply for funding, please download and fill out the latest application form:
Download application form (EN) 

You can find the travel authorization form on the website of the Human Resources Department. You will receive prefilled forms for expense reimbursement via e-mail from us, after your funding has been granted.

For grantees, further information on how to fill in the travel authorization form is provided in this example: Download exemplary travel authorization form (Reiseanzeige). It is not required to fill out the travel authorization form before applying for the grant.

Please follow the rules for eco-friendly business travel effective from April 1st, 2024 in addition to all already existing rules regarding business travel and business travel abroad.

After the funding has been granted:
If you have questions regarding the expense reimbursement process, the form for reimbursement or concerning the necessary receipts, please feel free to call us (Daniela Johannes, +49 641 99-12357, Mo - Wed until noon) or send us an (preferred).