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Committees, management and administration

Since higher education institutions have the right of self-administration by law, there are a large number of committees throughout the organisational structure, starting with the professorship, the institute, the department and the higher education institution as a whole. Accordingly, most university teachers spend a considerable amount of their working time on committee work.

You can already gain your first committee experience in the postdoc phase. Participation in university self-administration gives you the opportunity to gain deeper insights into the functioning of a university as well as important knowledge for your further career path. You may be able to become a member of an appointment committee as a representative of your status group, which in turn will give you valuable experience for your own appointment procedure.

Management and administrative tasks include project coordination, reporting and evaluation, event organisation, budget planning and similar. They play a central role in the day-to-day life of a professorship, but performance in this area is often weighted less heavily when professorships are filled.

For junior researchers, it is usually easy to gain experience in this area due to the abundance of tasks - especially if you lead your own junior research group.

We offer you numerous workshops with which you can further professionalise your working methods and use your resources as efficiently as possible.