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Activity 3 – Goal 1

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IT security not only concerns hardware—like the infrastructure here in the HRZ—but is a significant topic for all JLU members and staff (photo: Katrina Friese).
IT security not only concerns hardware—like the infrastructure here in the HRZ—but is a significant topic for all JLU members and staff (photo: Katrina Friese).

HF3 – Goal 1: Digital development at JLU will be based on powerful IT governance and IT security structures that will be continuously adapted to new requirements.

As a basis for digital transformation, JLU adopted the IT Governance and Security Strategy in 2021. According to this, JLU aims to continue developing and establishing a comprehensive security concept in accordance with ISO 27001 based on proven recommendations for IT baseline protection. The new position of information security officer (ISB, Informationssicherheitsbeauftragte/r) will be responsible for its conceptual planning. Implementing appropriate measures will have an impact on all internal processes and will affect all university departments and service dimensions. This will result in a constant need for measures to raise awareness and ongoing training for JLU members.


New IT Governance Structures: Chief Information Officer (CIO), IT Architecture Management, Digital Transformation Offfice (BfD), Information Security Officer (ISB), More Sophisticated IT Governance and Committee Structure, Newly Established and Evaluated HRZ.
Figure HF3Z1: Illustration of the IT governance structures to be established.


Successful digital change requires a holistic transformation of the entire university. Responsibility for driving this change lies with all organizational units. In particular, managers are called upon to actively support all employees in transitioning to a digital workplace. The heterogeneous workforce requires an open culture of communication in which employees with their various skills and backgrounds are supported in a manner specific to each audience. Here, the interest groups play a central role, as does the personnel development department. The latter provides continuously enhanced, audience-oriented programs for developing digital skills. 

These and other measures will support cultural change within the administration, which will become a modern, digitized service provider for the entire university. It is essential that all stakeholders be involved in the digital transformation.


Subgoals and Indicators


Subgoal HF3 – 1.1.
JLU will strategically prepare and implement new IT governance structures. In doing so, it will make long-term resource decisions in the area of digital transformation.

Indicator HF3 – 1.1.1.
By 2023, JLU will establish a W3 professor of IT Management , who is also the chief information officer (CIO) and head of the IT service center (HRZ; Hochschulrechenzentrum ) .

Indicator HF3 – 1.1.2.
JLU establishes IT architecture management by 2024.

Indicator HF3 – 1.1.3.
JLU will have enhanced IT governance and committee structures in place by 2025.

Indicator HF3 – 1.1.4.
JLU will permanently establish a Digital Transformation Office by 2023 for effective networking and continuous collaboration with the universities in Hessen.

Indicator HF3 – 1.1.5.
JLU will reorganize the HRZ by 2025 based on a full-scale evaluation.