Document Actions

Activity 1 – Goal 3

Image and Text

Battery research with large-scale equipment: Examining a cross-section through a battery sample in a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (photo: Rolf Wegst).
Battery research with large-scale equipment: Examining a cross-section through a battery sample in a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (photo: Rolf Wegst).

HF1 – Goal 3: JLU strengthens its digital research infrastructure by strategically establishing and expanding corresponding systems and competencies.

In order to address the diverse developments of digital transformation in research, JLU is expanding its infrastructure. It is establishing standards for handling digital research data and supporting researchers with information and consulting services when dealing with open access. In doing so, it is expanding its cooperation with Hessian and national research data infrastructures (HeFDI and NFDI) and creating access to current subject-specific offerings for all researchers. 

JLU's current research information system (CRIS) addresses the need for digital research management and provides an overview of all existing research projects within the university. The system reduces administrative effort in answering political and civil inquiries and creates more space for research. 

In addition to handling research data, JLU also makes it easier for its scientists to work with research equipment and facilities. At the Research Campus of Central Hessen (Forschungscampus Mittelhessen; FCMH), JLU is working together with Philipps University Marburg and the University of Applied Sciences to develop a software-based overview of large-scale research equipment at the three institutions. Moreover, JLU is developing central, digitally supported management of its core facilities in order to optimize their use and workload, and it is supplementing the joint digital equipment map of the Research Campus with its own 'small equipment'.


Subgoals and Indicators


Subgoal HF1 – 3.1.
JLU establishes a structured procedure for handling research data in all faculties.

Indicator HF1 – 3.1.1.
JLU continuously offers training, information, and consulting services in the area of research data management and, starting in 2023, will continue to develop these in exchange with Hessian-wide, national, and international consortia in line with demand ( HeFDI , NFDI ).

Indicator HF1 – 3.1.2.
JLU will offer diversified solutions for long-term archiving of digital assets and research data from 2025 onwards.

Indicator HF1 – 3.1.3.
JLU will have written and officially published local, discipline-specific research data guidelines by 2028.