Document Actions

Activity 1 – Goal 2

Image and Text

The DroughtSpotter-XXL system is unique in the world. It automatically records plant responses to drought stress at five-minute intervals throughout the year (photo: Katrina Friese).
The DroughtSpotter-XXL system is unique in the world. It automatically records plant responses to drought stress at five-minute intervals throughout the year (photo: Katrina Friese).

HF1 – Goal 2: JLU resolutely promotes research skills in the area of digital research methods/subjects.

JLU recognizes the relevance of digital topics and methods for research in all disciplines. It encourages the establishment of digital research methods and subjects in all disciplines and focuses on digital approaches, especially in its focus, potential, and accent areas. When selecting professors, JLU takes care to build up expertise in digital matters. In this way, it ensures long-term innovation and relevance in all research areas, as well as competitiveness in research funding, thereby counteracting the exodus of expertise and professionals.

At the same time, JLU is fulfilling its obligation to develop solutions for dealing with current societal challenges. In line with Hessen's digital strategy (cf. Digitalstrategie Hessen - Wo Zukunft zu Hause ist) and its own sustainability strategy (cf. Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie JLU 2030), the university in particular is strengthening the areas of E-Health and Digital Agriculture in medicine and agriculture, respectively.

Furthermore, JLU is working with other universities in Hessen to keep developing its infrastructure for processing and using big data. With the expansion of cloud and high-performance computing, it is laying the foundation for all researchers to be able to work with powerful technology at JLU as well. This will ensure long-term support for research approaches such as those in the fields of big data and AI.


Subgoals and Indicators


Subgoal HF1 – 2.1.
JLU expands digital AI-based research approaches in medicine, veterinary medicine, and psychology in the accent area E-Health and in the focus area Cardiopulmonary System.

Indicator HF1 – 2.1.1.
Additional faculties will be participating in the E-Health accent area by 2025 and will have initiated externally funded projects.

Indicator HF1 – 2.1.2.
JLU will have permanently established a new chair, Predictive Deep Learning in Medicine and Healthcare , by 2024 (funded with a Hessian.AI grant).

Indicator HF1 –  2.1.3.
JLU will have established a junior research group in the area of AI-based research methods by 2030.