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Digital Spring Cleaning 2024

Just in time for the start of spring, the Digital Transformation Office once again held its Digital Spring Cleaning campaign day on March 20, 2024.

Krokusse auf einer Frühlingswiese

This time, the focus was on cleaning up JLU Giessen's websites. After a virtual kick-off event with Prof. Dr. Alexander Goesmann, Vice President for Academic Infrastructure, we provided opportunities for you to participate.

JLU web editors could have their websites checked for broken links using a dead link checker. Users could also fill out a whistle-blower form to anonymously point out outdated websites. We also provided many tips and tricks on web links and how to improve websites.

Many users took advantage of the Digital Spring Cleaning 2024 activities. A total of 125 people took part in the event. On this day alone, over 2,000 dead links on JLU's websites were repaired. The most diligent cleaner and the editor with the cleanest web pages were each awarded a prize.

The content from this and last year's Digital Spring Cleaning will remain permanently available. You can use them at any time to spruce up your own websites and digital filing systems. Take a look around and be inspired:

Jeldrik Glaßl