Document Actions

Individual Behavior

This prize is awarded to a (potentially) effective contribution that supports the values, attitudes and/or behavior of JLU members in terms of sustainability and includes prize money of €500.

Link: Regulation for awarding the sustainability prizes in the field of individual behavior at Justus Liebig University Giessen from April 18, 2023

This prize is awarded to a (potentially) effective contribution that supports the values, attitudes and/or behaviors of JLU members in terms of sustainability with a prize money of 500 €. This prize is open to all members and affiliates of JLU, although this year applications from employees from the technical and administrative area are particularly welcome. Self-applications are also possible.

The proposals must be substantiated in detail and sent to the Office for Sustainability (Nachhaltigkeit) in electronic form by May 15 of each year with the following attachments:

  • Description of the contribution or project
  • Evaluation or explanation of the expected impact with regard to the sustainable transformation of values, attitudes, and behaviors
  • Overview of the resources used or required (financial and human resources)

The Joint Commission for Sustainability, appointed by the executive board and senate, acts as a selection committee to assess the contributions proposed for an award and submits a list of the contributions worthy of an award to the executive board for a decision. The degree of innovation as well as the needs-based and economic implementation of the contribution and the realization perspective for contributions that have not yet been implemented are evaluated.

Sustainability Office (Nachhaltigkeit), Magdalena Tanzer (0641) 99-16373