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E-learning offers

There are various e-learning offers available for postdocs. However, most of them are currently in German. This page only contains our English offer. For an overview of our entire programme, please switch to our German page

Basics of Science Communication

This introductory course focuses on topics such as the dimensions of science communication, the interaction between stakeholders and target audiences, and media management. The course is modular, with diverse content that incorporates animations and videos. This e-learning course is available online at any time and can be easily integrated into busy professional and academic schedules. Topics: dimensions of good science communication - target group, goal, topic, medium and style; Science and media, actors and their roles, basic rules for comprehensibility, trust in science, guidelines and pitfalls. A handout is available for each module. Those who complete all modules and pass a test will receive a certificate from the National Institute for Science Communictation (NaWik).

Registration: wissenschaftskommunikation