Occupational Integration Management (BEM)
BEM stands for "Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement" (In English: Occupational Integration Management). BEM is about supporting employees during the process of returning to work. Especially in cases of serious, protracted or recurring illnesses, but also after accidents, there are a couple of measures useful for employees returning to work. For instance, it can be helpful for returning employees to initially only perform certain activities, gradually increase their working hours, or to receive external support. In order to determine which measures could be useful, employees can request BEM consultations. The BEM procedure is used to clarify and individually check which measures could be helpful and feasible.
Primarily, BEM is a program for employees who have been unable to work for more than 6 weeks within the past 12 months. It does not matter whether this span of 6 weeks was continuous or with breaks in between. Our program is also enshrined in law. §167 of the code of social law (SGB) IX describes that an offer for integration is to be submitted to these employees in order to assist them in returning to their job. Of course, you can also get in touch with us yourself in case you already know you will be unable to work for a longer period of time. We will also gladly help you plan your return and support you returning to work.
Using our systematic approach of integration management, we want to make sure that we take care of all our employees. BEM helps employees to be integrated after having been sick for a longer period and it strives to prevent further health issues. Our goal is finding individual solutions for establishing your ability to work as well as preventing new inability to work.
BEM is located in the Department of Human Resource Development (C5). Ms. Dr. Harnacke is responsible for processing your requests and answering your questions. You can contact her via e-mail and phone number: 0641-99 12352.
From now on, we will send you an invitation for BEM consultations if you have been unable to work for more than 6 weeks within the past 12 months. If you accept our invitation, we will be able to make an appointment with you. At our first appointment, we will carry out a situation analysis, in which not only current, but also past situations are discussed - provided it correlates with your illness. At following appointments, we will discuss measures which could help you during the process of returning to your workplace. Then, we will check which measures can be implemented and consider how these can be realized. All measures will only be implemented if you give your consent. You can reject our offer of BEM at any time.