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HessenFonds Scholarships for Refugees and Researchers at Risk

Scholarships for highly qualified students, doctoral candidates and researchers

The Hessen Ministry of Science and Research, Arts and Culture awards scholarships to especially gifted refugee students, doctoral candidates and researchers at universities in the Federal State of Hesse as part of the "HessenFonds" scholarship. The aid is designed to help beneficiaries to continue their degrees or research careers at universities in Hesse. It usually lasts one year. Students should especially be supported in the initial phase of their studies.


Scope of the grant:

The HessenFonds scholarships provide the following allowances:

  • Students: € 300/month
  • Doctoral candidates: € 1,200/month
  • Academics: € 2,300/month


The conditions for eligibility can be found here:


Application procedure:
Please send your complete application by email to:
Justus Liebig University Giessen
International Office
Goethestrasse 58
35390 Giessen
Deadline: 15 July 2024
JLU will check the eligibility for funding and nominates the applicants at the Hessen Ministry of Science and Research, Arts and Culture.


Application documents for students:

Contact persons: Marina Urdinov, Marina Mohr


Application documents for doctoral candidates:

Contact persons: Dr. Imke Neumann-Fatia


Application documents for researchers:

Contact persons: Julia Volz, Dr. Imke Neumann-Fatia, Silvia Boide