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Types of Agreements

Partnership agreements form the framework for a broad collaboration with a foreign university or institution that has grown based on many years of successful co-operation and includes several faculties.

Cooperation agreements are concluded in the interest of several faculties/centres or several departments/professorships of different disciplines at JLU and at the respective foreign university. They form the framework for cooperation that goes beyond the exchange of university members and includes, among other things, the development and realisation of joint research and teaching projects or joint doctoral training.

Exchange agreements are concluded in the interest of at least one faculty or centre at JLU and at the respective foreign university. They form the framework for the exchange of students, academics, teaching staff, administrative and technical staff as well as information on teaching and research activities.

In individual cases, memoranda of understanding are a preliminary stage to an exchange or cooperation agreement and are concluded in particular when a formalised agreement is a mandatory component of application procedures, e.g. for the acquisition of funding with international partner organisations. The maximum term of such letters of intent is usually two years.

