Microsoft 365 Campus Agreement
JLU has joined the federal agreement for the 'Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)'. This rental agreement for Microsoft licenses and services initially runs until April 30, 2024, which means that Microsoft 365 A3 licenses (especially MS Office) are available to all JLU employees. Students can use Microsoft 365 A3 with their private end devices as part of the 'Student Advantage Benefits'.
What is included in Microsoft 365?
Microsoft 365 A3 licenses are made available via the agreement. These are generally personal and require registration/activation with Microsoft. Under certain conditions, however, MS Office can also be used on business devices without registering with Microsoft. Information on this can be found below in the section 'Right to downgrade to Office Professional Plus'.
Microsoft 365 A3 includes the following products and services:
- Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise (Office 365 Pro Plus), use on up to 5 Windows/Mac computers + 5 tablets + 5 smartphones (note: the Outlook app does not work with the university email address for IT security reasons).
- Windows 10 / Windows 11 Education upgrade license
- Client access licenses (CALs) for Windows Server, Exchange Server, SharePoint. Not included: remote desktop services CALs, SQL Server CALs, etc.
- Office 365 online applications (Word/Excel/PowerPoint as a web application, OneDrive, SharePoint, MS Teams). The use of these cloud services is currently not recommended for data protection reasons.
Who can use Microsoft 365?
The licenses are only available to the following groups of people:
- JLU employees (= persons with LandesTicket Hessen) (for business and private devices)
- JLU students as part of the 'student advantage benefits' (only for private devices)
Unfortunately, the licenses cannot be used by other groups of people, e.g. lecturers and other part-time employees at JLU, as well as emeriti.
License terms
The manufacturer's license conditions apply to the use of the licenses. These and additional information including FAQs are compiled on this page:
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found in the FAQ:
Right to downgrade to Office Professional Plus 2016, 2019, or 2021
Under certain conditions, Microsoft Office can also be used without personal registration with Microsoft. Please note the following in particular:
- For workstations:
- Only one installation per authorized user (= employee) is permitted on the personal (Windows) work computer.
- The installation may only be carried out on official JLU devices, not on private devices or on devices from other institutions.
- The Office software licensed by downgrade right may only be used by authorized employees, i.e. the use of an Office Professional Plus installation licensed by downgrade right by other persons such as lecturers or guests is not permitted.
- Moreover, Office Professional Plus may be installed as a downgrade license on devices in freely accessible areas at JLU (see section 2.6.3 of the FAQ). This includes the following:
- Libraries
- Laboratories
- Computer labs
- The downgrade right does not apply to students.
- The license is activated via the KMS server of the HRZ, as with the licenses from the previous MS Select contract.
- There is no downgrade right to Office Standard - Office Professional Plus must be installed.
How do I get a license for Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise / Office 365?
Information for staff
Information for students