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FAQs about the Non-Personalized Guest Card (Chip Card)

You are working at JLU as a guest and need access to rooms and/or parking spaces? How do you obtain a JLU chip card? What should you do in case of loss or damage? On this page, we will answer these questions for you.


Who gets an non-personalized JLU chip card and how do I obtain it?

Non-personalized JLU chip cards are issued to the following groups of people (i.e., individuals without a JLU personnel number):

Scholarship holders in Faculties 01-10 and in the research centers, doctoral candidates (not enrolled and without an employment contract), habilitation candidates, and individuals who have entered into a service contract with JLU and need access to rooms and/or parking spaces. This includes, for example, employees of maintenance companies, consulting firms, or suppliers.

You can obtain your JLU chip card at Department E. Please submit the 'Application for a non-personalized JLU chip card'

How do I obtain access permissions?

You jointly submit the aforementioned  'Application for a non-personalized JLU chip card' with the institution for which you are working. When the card is issued, all necessary access permissions will already be on it. You already have a JLU chipcard? Please submit the Application for locking authorization for existing JLU-chipcard.

I've lost my JLU chip card. Where do I report the loss?

Please report the loss immediately to Department E (key management). The JLU chip card will then be blocked. You will receive information on the next steps afterwards.

My JLU chip card is defective. How do I obtain a new one?

Please contact Department E (key management). The team will check the defect and, if necessary, have a new chip card produced for you. The key management office of JLU is located here:

Bismarckstrasse 20
35390 Giessen
Ground floor, room 3
Link to JLUmaps:

Where can I return my non-personalized JLU chip card?

Please return your non-personalized JLU chip card to Department E (key management). For sustainability reasons, it can be reused. The key management office of JLU is located here:

Bismarckstrasse 20
35390 Giessen
Ground floor, room 3
Link to JLUmaps:

What are the terms of use for the non-personalized JLU chip card?

No transfer to third parties: The employee ID card may only be used by the person named on the chip card and is not transferable to third parties. In cases of improper use, the card will be immediately blocked and must be returned.

Return immediately upon expiration: After the expiration date (i.e., end of service), the functions of the chip card will be blocked. 

Please return your non-personalized JLU chip card to Department E (key management) or send it via post to this address:

Bismarckstrasse 20
35390 Giessen
Ground floor, room 3
Link to JLUmaps:

If lost or defective: The non-personalized guest card must be stored carefully. In case of loss or defect of the JLU chip card, this must be reported immediately to Department E (Schliessberechtigung-E3) so that the card can be blocked.