Document Actions




  • Early booker until Friday, 16th August 2024
    80,- € (Gewisola-Members), 90,- € (Non-Members)

  • Regular booker: 17th August - 20th September 2024
    90,- € (Gewisola-Members), 100,- € (Non-Members)
  • On-site-Registration: 25th September - 27th September 2024
    100,- €


(Registration for participation via ConfTool)

All membership information can be found on the GEWISOLA website.



Submission deadlines


  • Submission of proposals for self-organized working groups and pre-conference activities by Monday, 12th February 2024
    (notification of acceptance by Wednesday, 6th March 2024)
  • Submission of written contributions by Monday, 11th March2024
    (extended from 4.3.; notification of acceptance by Wednesday, 26th June 2023)
  • Submission of poster by Monday, 13th May 2024
    (notification of acceptance by Wednesday, 24th July 2023)
  • Submission of written contributions revised according to reviewer instructions for publication on the conference homepage and at AgEconSearch by Monday, 26th August 2024
  • Submission of the final version of written contributions and summary of posters for publication in the conference proceedings by Monday, 18th November 2024



The decisions of the evaluation process for the written contributions will be announced in calendar week 26.