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Personal Counselling

We offer counselling sessions as soon as possible, where you have the opportunity to address uncertainties, difficulties or concerns. Our counselling sessions last 50 minutes, where we will take time for you and your concerns.

In our initial counselling session, we seek to clarify current challenges and consider what might help you most. We consider your individual background, your resources and competences and jointly develop an action plan for the next steps. There is no rush! You can book up to five appointments with us.

We look at your individual background, have a look at your resources and competencies and consider the next steps together. At the end of the conversation, we agree on the next steps.

Sometimes a few counselling sessions are enough to understand the current problem better, to develop possible solutions and to open up new vistas for action.

We can also advise you on whether further support, such as psychotherapy, might be helpful. If it becomes clear that further psychotherapy could be helpful for you, we will advise you on the various forms of psychotherapy and on how to find a psychotherapist.

In addition, you can also use our online materials and sign up for our counselling groups or workshops. We can also recommend further resources provided by the university.


You can also use our counselling services if you are studying a subject that ends with a state examination and are, for example, aiming to become a civil servant (e.g., teacher, lawyer, or medical doctor). Our Student Counselling Centre is unconnected to the health care system, which means that no data of any kind is passed on to your health insurance company. In addition, we do not offer psychotherapy but psychological counselling. This is important since when you a public health officer or your insurance company asks you about your previous medical history, psychotherapy needs 


Seeking support to get your life back on track is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of confidence and strength. In addition, immediate and effective support in acute crises provides initial relief and may prevent the development of serious mental health consequences.



Foto "lightbulb", Diego PH on Unspleash