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Career Preparation for Interantional Students

Career Preparation for International Students

Are you an international student, doctoral candidate or graduate? Here you will find information about your career orientation and career entry in English!


Advice and support for international students on starting their career in Germany:

Career Consultation for interantional students: 
Hochschulteam der Arbeitsagentur Gießen
Or register for a consultation here: Stud.IP

To make an appointment for a personal consultation, please contact us beforehand by email.


Overview of our Offer:

International Calendar
You can find all other events especially for Internationals in the "International Calendar" of the International Office.
Interviews with International Alumni
In the interview series "Justus@work", international alumni report on their career start, talk about their experiences during their studies and give tips on the career entry for other international students. There are both German and English interviews available.
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Job Application Documents
Here we provide you with a few tips on how to write your cover letter and CV. This overview serves as a first step in preparing your application documents for the German job market.
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Study Grups in Stud.IP
In our Stud.IP study group "Career Preparation for International Students" we always keep you informed about news. Furthermore, we offer you a discussion forum to ask your questions in a low-threshold manner and a list of links to interdisciplinary, industry-specific and English job portals. Join the group and stay always up to date!
Legal Information
Here you will find information about working during your studies and finding a job after graduation. We have also collected some helpful links for you
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Evening Courses in German as a Foreign Language During the Semester
For exchange students, doctoral candidates, visiting researchers or teachers and their dependants, the International Office offers the possibility to attend classes in German as a foreign language during the academic semester.
Roadmap for Career Preparation
"The early bird catches the worm" - with this in mind, we would like to encourage you from the very beginning of your studies to orientate yourself professionally and to create your personal "roadmap" for your career entry after graduation. Here you will find a rough overview of what you should think about and when.
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