Here you can find all employees sorted by different institutes.
- Center for Materials Research
- Collection Center for Materials Research
Bielefeld, AnjaModelling and data analysis of electrochemical systems, focusing on microstructures in solid-state batteries
Eckhardt, Janis KevinData-Driven Materials Research for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Semiconductor Technologies
Elm, MatthiasNanoionics and Nanoelectronics
Richter, FelixHybrid materials for electrochemical energy storage
- Institute of Physical Chemistry
- Collection Physical Chemistry
Janek, JürgenPhysical Chemistry of Solids and Solid State Ionics
Luerßen, BjoernPhysical chemistry of solids - solid state ionics and electrochemistry
Mollenhauer, DoreenTheoretical Chemistry, Material modelling, Modelling of Nanomaterials
Over, HerbertSurface Chemistry and Model Catalysis
Peppler, KlausScanning Electron Microscopy
Rohnke, MarcusBiomaterials, Plasmas & ToF-SIMS
Sann, JoachimThin-Film Methods for electrochemical Energy Storage
Smarsly, BerndAdvanced Functional Nanomaterials
- Institute of Organic Chemistry
- Collection Organic Chemistry
Gellrich, UrsIn Silico Design and Synthesis of Novel Metal-Free Systems for Bond Activation and Catalysis
Gerbig, DennisReactive intermediates – tunneling studies / matrix lab
Göttlich, RichardOrganic Synthesis
Schreiner, Peter R.Physical Organic Chemistry
Wegner, Hermann A.Organic synthesis and molecular materials
Wende, Raffael C.Peptide Synthesis and Organocatalysis
- Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
- Collection Inorganic Chemistry
Lepple, MarenAdvanced Ceramics
Müller, EckhardThermoelectric Materials
Müller-Buschbaum, KlausSolid State Chemistry and Inorganic Materials
Schindler, SiegfriedCoordination Chemistry
- Institute of Experimental Physics I
- Collection I. Physics
Becker, MartinThin-Film Technology
Chatterjee, SangamSpectroscopy and Optics
Henning, TorstenMicro and Nanostructure Physics
Henß, AnjaInterface Analytics of Energy-Storage Materials
Klar, Peter J.Physics of Micro and Nanostructures
Polity, AngelikaFunctional Thin Layers
Rahimi-Iman, ArashQuantum Nanophotonics
Schippers, StefanAtomic and molecular Physics
Schörmann, JörgThin-Film Technology
Thoma, MarkusPhysics of Plasmas and Astronautics
- Institute of Applied Physics
- Collection Applied Physics
Dietzel, DirkAtomic Force Microscopy, Nanotribology and Ion Conduction
Dürr, MichaelDynamics of surface reactions
Ebeling, DanielLow Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy
Schirmeisen, AndréAtomic Force Microscopy, Nanotribology and Ion Conduction
Schlettwein, DerckMolecular Materials
- Institute of Theoretical Physics
- Collection Theoretical Physics
Czerner, MichaelCondensed Matter Theory
Heiliger, ChristianCondensed Matter Theory
Sanna, SimoneTheoretical Condensed Matter Spectroscopy
- External Members
- Collection External Members
Gatti, TeresaPolitecnico di Torino, Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT)
Gross, SilviaUniversità degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche
Nazar, LindaUniversity of Waterloo, Canada