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Just.Us + Animal Welfare

A Lecture Series by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to Enhance Animal Welfare at Justus Liebig University Giessen

The lecture series represents the concept of animal welfare from the diverse professional perspectives of the lecturers from various clinics, institutes, and facilities within the faculty. Since the implementation of effective animal welfare requires a high degree of interdisciplinarity, lecturers from other faculties will also contribute to the lecture series with their insights.

From 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (see schedule)

Online via Zoom

The lecture series is aimed at all students and veterinary staff of Faculty 10. Of course, anyone who is interested in the topic of animal welfare and engaged in animal-based research is welcome to attend. All participants will receive a certificate of participation and proof of ATF recognition. Participation is also recognized as a training measure according to the Animal Welfare Act (TierSchG).

Please note: Due to organizational reasons, registration for a Just.Us+Tierschutz event is only possible until one day in advance.

Please note that the courses are only held in German!


Upcoming Events:



Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Marine Biologist (Part II)

Dr. Patrick Schubert


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of Color Genetics

Dr. Anna Laukner   


Animal Welfare in Animal By-Product Processing Plants

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elke Rauch (LMU München)


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of bmt: The Current Status of Animal Shelters in Germany

Karsten Pflücker 
06.11.2024   Inflammation and Necrosis vs. Health and Animal Welfare in Pigs

Prof. Dr. Gerald Reiner

  Past Events:


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of the President of the Federal Chamber of Physicians

Ltd. VD Dr. Holger Vogel


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of Pharmaceutical Analytics - Drug Residues in the Environment

Prof. Dr. Christian Pfeifer


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Lawyer – The Status Quo of the German Animal Welfare Act

Prof. Dr. Steffen Augsberg


Pigeons in the City - (Not) a Problem? - A Humane Approach to City Pigeons From the Perspective of the German Animal Welfare Association

Katrin Pichl


Reproductive Research in Birds From an Animal Welfare Perspective - From Development to Application Using the Example of the Kakapo

Prof. Dr. Michael Lierz 


Blood Mares – Do They Still Exist? Current Status of PMSG Production

Sabrina Gurtner & Prof. Dr. Stephanie Krämer


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of the Federal Government’s Animal Welfare Commissioner


Ariane Kari 


Animal Welfare and Academic Freedom – A View from Applied Ethics

Prof. Dr. Bert Heinrichs (RFWU Bonn)


The Egg as an Alternative Method? – Current Research on Pain Perception in Chicken Embryos

Prof. Dr. Christine Baumgartner und

 Dr. Thomas Fenzl (TU München) 


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Catholic Theologian: Animals and Transcendence

Dr. Simone Horstmann


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of Animals’ Angels – Animal Transport in an International Context

Julia Havenstein & Abdelali Ziani


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of Tissue Engineers

Dr. Tim Meyer & Leon Budde (Winnerof the 41. Tierschutzforschungspreises ([BMEL])


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a State Animal Welfare Commissioner – Insights into § 11b of the Animal Welfare Act and Lessons from Laboratory Animal Science

Dr. Anne Zinke (Landestierschutzbeauftragte Brandenburg)


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Criminal Lawyer

Prof. Dr. Jens Bülte


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of an Equine Surgeon

Prof. Dr. Michael Röcken

Animal Welfare and Animal Carcass Disposal - How Do They Fit Together?

Dr. Gabriele Pflaum


"Invasive Species" - An Environmental Ethical Perspective

Prof. Dr. Martin Gorke 


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Marine Biologist - Octopus & Co. - The Unique Animals

Dipl.-Biologe Stefan Johnigk
18.05.2022 Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Journalist - Wild Animal Imports - Risks for Humans and Animals Andrea Rehmsmeier
20.04.2022 The Current Animal Welfare Policy Issue: PMSG and Blood Mares Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Wehrend,
Sabrina Gurtner,
York Ditfurth
19.01.2022 Animal Welfare From The Perspective of the Initiators of the QUEN Torture Breeding Network Diana Plange

Animal Welfare From the Perspective of Thomas Hartung, Biologist, Computer Scientist, Physician and Animal Welfare Award Winner

Short summary of the lecture

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Hartung


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Marine Biologist

Short summary of the lecture

Dr. Patrick Schubert

Animal Welfare From the Perspective of an Official Veterinarian

Short summary of the lecture

Maria Dayen


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of an Ecotoxicologist

Prof. Dr. Rolf-Alexander Düring


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of Clinical Research

Prof. Dr. Martin Schmidt


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Veterinary Pathologist

Prof. Dr. Christiane Herden


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a State Animal Welfare Officer

Dr. Madeleine Martin


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Reproductive Physician

Prof. Dr. Axel Wehrend


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Veterinary Pharmacologist

Prof. Melanie Hamann


Animal Welfare From the Perspective of a Small Animal Clinician

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Kramer, Dekan


Animal Welfare from the Perspective of a Pig Clinician

Prof. Gerald Reiner


Animal Welfare from the Perspective of a Clinician for Exotic and Wild Animals

Prof. Michael Lierz


Kick-off Lecture for the Lecture Series

“Veterinarians and Animal Welfare - Where Do We Stand?”

Prof. Stephanie Krämer,

Initiatorin von Just.Us + Tierschutz