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Teaching Management Systems & Co.


A Learning Management System (LMS) is a web-based learning platform that enables communication between teachers and learners and offers numerous options for managing administrative tasks, reducing the burden on teaching.


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The lecturer module within the examination administration system Flexnow enables professors and lecturers to organise exams and lectures.


Stud.IP (tap the logo for more information)

Stud.IP is the main information and communication platform, also called Learning Management System (LMS), which supports teaching courses. Stud.IP and ILIAS are the central LMS of the JLU.

Interface Stud.IP/ILIAS

The JLU offers two core e-learning systems for the digital support of teaching: Stud.IP and ILIAS. All members of the JLU can log into the systems with their user ID and network password and use them free of charge. The two systems are connected via an interface. How do I get from Stud.IP to ILIAS? Instructions for teachers including video guidance (in german) can be found here.


With ILIAS ( Integriertes Lern-, Informations- und Arbeitskooperations-System) the JLU offers teachers a Learning Management System with e-learning components such as WBT's, e-lectures or blogs to integrate them into their teaching. Stud.IP and ILIAS represent the key LMS of the JLU.


Various e-learning courses are used in sports science. In addition to learning materials, sports-edu also publishes dynamic content that offers clear advantages over textbooks for practical sports training. These include, for example, video sequences and animations for analysing movements or tactical aspects of various sport disciplines.

User ID and network password required!


Vet-learn is an ILIAS-based learning platform for students and teachers of veterinary medicine at JLU. E-Learning materials on various topics are offered, e.g: Pathophysiology and -biochemistry, interactive biochemistry for veterinarians, clinical examination methods, the blood count atlas for the representation of different blood cells of domestic animals, the virtual microscope as electronic histologist atlas or a tissue database.

User ID and network password required!


K-med is an ILIAS-based learning platform for students and lecturers of the faculty 10 - Medicine of the JLU. On the platform you will find learning modules, surveys and materials on various topics such as general medicine, anaesthesia, biochemistry, paediatrics, emergency medicine or dentistry.

User ID and network password required!