Document Actions


Research activities at the GGS are divided into thematic clusters which are reflected by the sections. With reference to the projects, cooperations transcending the sections are also possible and even desired. Sections emerge depending on the initiative of the researchers – thus, newly developed sections are not only possible but also desired. 


Age(ing) in Society
Dirk Medebach / Dr Jonas Metzger / Susanne Christ

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Accounting, Finance, Economics & Sustainability
Henrike Alm / Kathrin Stock / Professor Dr Peter Tillmann / Professor Dr Arnt Wöhrmann

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Educational Governance
Michelle Meier / Dr Martin Reuter / Caroline Dietz

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Global Health & Human Rights
Professor Dr Michael Knipper / Dr Sascha Krannich

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Human-Animal Studies
Liza Bauer / Theresa Braun

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International Organizations and International Law
Kristoffer Burck / Murad Nasibov / Vera Strobel / Maraike Vandergrift

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Citizens, Politics and Democracy (working group)
Professor Dr Simone Abendschön / Patricia Kamper / Tim Schmidt

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Media, Science and Technology
Professor Dr York Kautt / Frederik Peper

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Human Rights and Democracy
Professor Dr Regina Kreide / Hannes Kaufmann

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Human Rights Discourse in Migration Societies (MeDiMi, working group)
Anna Arden / Maik Paap

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Norms and Changes in Global Politics
Professor Dr Helmut Breitmeier / PD Dr Janne Mende / Dr phil Alex Reichwein / Dr Julia Drubel / Dr Sandra Schwindenhammer / Katrin Strobehn

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Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management
Dr Sascha Abdel Hadi / Martina Günther / Katja Wehrle / Dr Marco C. Ziegler

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Political Education 
Professor Dr Sophie Schmitt / Professor Dr Stefan Müller / Luana Sommer

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Transnational and Intersectional Critques of Power
Dr Tina Jung / Dr Lena Eckert

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Founding a New Section
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Former Sections
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