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Support of Mobility

Support of Mobility


  •  Support by the German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD):
    • short-term scholarship for graduating doctoral students (1-6 months of support)
    • one-year scholarship for graduating doctoral students 
    • travel programme for congresses and conferences
    • bilateral scientists exchange
    • P.R.I.M.E. – support of mobility for postdocs:
      This support comprises of a phase of 12 months abroad and a six-months-long phase of integration in a German university at which the recipients of the support will be employed as postdocs throughout the entire duration of the support measure.
    • Project-oriented exchange of people with different countries:
      At the centre of this is the initiation or intensification of collaborative research activities between a German and a foreign university and/or research facility in order to strengthen scientific relationships. Here, the qualification of junior scientists is of special importance. It is possible to apply for travelling allowances and funds for sojourns of members of a German research group for short-term research sojourns at foreign partner institutions, paid for out of DAAD funds.


  • Support by foundations
    • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (for postdocs)
      Funds for stays abroad for German postdoc researchers and funds for stays in Germany for international postdoc researchers
    • Fritz Thyssen Foundation
      Support for research projects, conferences, scholarships, travel funds, printing and literature allowances. Particularly aimed at researchers in the humanities and social sciences
    • Gerda Henkel Foundation
      Support for the historical humanities through funding research projects, research trips, scholarships, conferences, and printing allowances
    • Fazit Foundation
      The foundation grants travel funds for trips that are either essential or at the least highly beneficial to the applicant's dissertation or postdoctoral qualification ("Habilitation"). Funds are usually only granted if funding from other sources is impossible.
    • Fulbright Scholarships
      The target audience is German early career researchers who have recently begun their PhD. Research work (abroad) that is directly related to the applicant's PhD project can be funded. PhD candidates from any and all disciplines may apply. Scholarship holders are expected to return to their home university after their research trip to finish their PhD project there.
    • Minerva Foundation
      Minerva Short Term Research Grants are available for all subject areas and are open to applicants from all research facilities (in Israel - public or governmental research institutes) and universities in Germany and Israel. Applicants should not be older than 38 years.