Project Funding
Project Funding
- JLU internal: Research funds for projects by early career researchers at the postdoc level.
- Another funding institution specifically for researchers at JLU is the Gießener Hochschulgesellschaft which funds projects that are aligned with the association's goals.
- Sciencestarter is a platform for crowdfunding projects from research and science communication.
- At the National Funding Portal you may find imformation about project funding lines by the German national government, databases that list funded research projects etc.
- Project funding initiatives of the EU.
- The Junge Akademie (Young Academy) is the worldwide first academy of early career researchers. It offers spaces and opportunities for interdisciplinary, societally relevant cooperation between excellent early career researchers from within the Germanophone world.
- Project funding by foundations:
The foundation supports empirical research, be it problem-oriented, theoretical, or hypothesis/theory checking, which can be validated or falsified through real life data, as well as the development of methods that serve this purpose. Funds are granted to projects for a maximum duration of 3 years, including a one-time opportunity for extension. Additionally, the foundation financially support events (conferences, summer schools etc.) in the same topical area and awards a postdoc prize for outstanding publications after having finished a dissertation.
Interdisciplinary research: € 10,000 for new research projects which are situated outside of the areas covered in previous research. Includes a stay at the summer residence of Einstein in Caputh, Germany. Early career researchers who are currently pursuing their PhD or have already finished it may apply for the scholarship.
Support of projects concerned with bio-economic and/or international model research and development.
Support for innovative business foundings from within universitites or non-university research institutions that are in an early phase.
Separated into two phases, the funding line supports the production of scientific knowledge from its conceptual inception leading up to the founding of businesses.
Funding is granted to individual researchers from the humanities and social sciences, who are either finishing their PhDs or are at the beginnung of their postdoc career, as well as to self-organised early career researcher groups.
Funding for research and development initiatives within the target area "land as a resource".
New research ideas are funded - including projects and substitute teachers.
The DIN Early Careeer Award aims to support early career researchers whose work is concerned with standardisation. The award is prized at € 5,000 and is given out once per year.
The project funding of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation is targeted towards researchers from the humanities and social sciences as well from bio medicine (possible topics include: history, language & culture, »image-sound-language«, state, economics & society, medicine, and natural sciences).
The foundation aims to bring together science and (civil) society actors in order to enable new perspectives on social transformation processes of democracy. Funding is particularly aimed at the humanities, cultural and social sciences, although cooperation with the natural, life, data and technical sciences is possible.
Interdisciplinary, multi-method and internationally oriented research projects are funded.
Research proposals can be submitted from all scientific disciplines on all research topics that pursue an interdisciplinary approach.
The “Research in Groups” funding format is aimed at doctoral researchers from all disciplines in Germany and abroad.