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The GGS Team

The GGS Team



GGS Management

Dr Kerstin Lundström   Felix Wagner, M. A.  

Managing Director


+49 (0)641  99 21370


» Read more about Dr Kerstin Lundström

Managing Director


+49 (0)641 99 21372


» Read more about Felix Wagner


Staff members at the GGS Office

Marcel Frentzel 


Anna Schlosser


Staff member



+49 (0)641  99 21371


» Read more about Marcel Frentzel

Staff member



+49 (0)641 99 21374


» Read more about Anna Schlosser

Mia Feline Wagenbach 


Iria Frommeyer 


Staff member



+49 (0)641  99 21374


» Read more about Mia Wagenbach


Staff member



+49 (0)641 99 21373


» Read more about Iria Frommeyer



Postdoc Coordinators at the GGS


Verena Graulich, M.Sc.   Felix Wagner, M.A.  

Postdoc Coordinator



+49 (0)641  99 21375


» Read more about Verena Graulich

Postdoc Coordinator



+49 (0)641 99 21372


» Read more about Felix Wagner


Former Colleagues


Dr Eva-Maria Aulich

Former Managing Director at the GGS, 2012 - 2016. Current Managing director at the Forschungscampus Mittelhessen (FCMH)

Dr. Jennifer Heiny

Former Postdoc Coordinator


Milki-waaq Duguma

Former staff member at the GGS





Ilir Isufi

Former staff member at the GGS


Maraike Büst

Former project coordinator "Lehre 4.0" 


Sam Schneider

Former staff member at the GGS


Louisa Rinsdorf

Former staff member at the GGS


Amina Ouj

EFormer staff member at the GGS


Maria Löffler

Fromer acting managing director, former postdoc coordinator 


Sergej Enns

Former project assistant "Lehre 4.0"


Eva Dabrowski

Former project assistant "Lehre 4.0"


Charlotte Gemmeke

Former project assistant "Lehre 4.0"


Christine Baldsiefen

Former project assistant of "PRiNa" & staff member at the GGS


Nadine Reuter

Former project coordinator of "PRiNa"


Julia Körner

Former statt member at the GGS


Julia Richter

Former staff member at the GGS


Sahra Rausch

Former staff member at the GGS


Julia Buch

Former staff member at "MEWISMA"


Silke Rapp

Former project coordinator at "MEWISMA"


Jennifer Sindermann

Former staff member at the GGS


Annegret Bladeck

Former staff member at the GGS


Eugenia Matz

Former staff member at the GGS


Kyra Hagge

Former staff member at the GGS


Franziska Ollendorf

Former staff member at the GGS


Methuja Thavarasa

Former staff member at "MEWISMA"