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Planet B. Szenische Lesung von Yael Ronen und Itai Reicher 


*german event*

Date: July 8, 2024
Time: 8:00 pm
Location: Stadtverordnetensitzungssaal, Stadtparlament Giessen
Ticket sale by Stadttheater Giessen



Bioreactors & Biospheres: Planetary Times Summer Workshop 2024

Two-day workshop by Connor Cook (Planetary Times summer fellow & media artist) and Darren Zhu (synthetic biologist)

Date: May 28-29, 2024

Venue: Kunsthalle Giessen

Registration for Day Two by May 21, 2024 via panel

to the event



City Walk with Dr. Markus Dietz


Date: May 6, 2024

Time: 8:00 pm

Starting point: Entrance to the Philosophenwald, Tannenweg                         

ticket sale via the theatre's website

to the event


2001: A Space Odyssey

(OmU 1968, Stanley Kubrick) 
Date: April 23 & 24, 2024

movie talk with Bert Rebhandl & workshop "Kino als Planetares Medium"

ticket sale through Kinocenter Giessen, registration for the workshop through panel

to the event
