Planetary knowledges
This project aims to show that the notion of the planet, the planet as a method, and the respective recognition of the planetary condition allow for a broader perspective that ultimately changes the general understanding of the human condition.
Time design
Time is a central dimension for both humankind and its interactions with the planet. To investigate and direct the influence of temporal elements and their interactions — such as linear and cyclic time arrangements or (de-)synchronization of societal and earthly times — they have to be explored and integrated into a comprehensive model, which can be outlined as “time design”.
More-than-human democracy
The planet has to be taken into account in the way democracy is defined, practiced and evaluated. This project analyzes interlinkages between democratic renewal and the habitability of the Earth. One goal of this research is to investigate the thesis whether the next step change of democratic quality is the inclusion of the non-human.
Democratic serendipity
This project explores the contributions of unexpected encounters for thinking and doing democratic futures. Future democratic societies are not shaped by intentions, goal setting or problem-solving approaches alone; they are also formed by unforeseen change, by stumbling upon novelty and by surprise.
Varieties of hydrogen
Energy carriers, human development and planetary dynamics are closely entangled. Evolving hydrogen infrastructures differ, for example, on whether they rely on so-called green, blue or grey hydrogen, import hydrogen or produce it on-site, strive towards energy system integration or single application. This project aims to understand how hydrogen infrastructures interact with societies and their relation to the planet.