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Research Project

I have to submit “an outline of the dissertation project of no more than 10 pages as well as an indication of the time-frame envisaged” as part of my application. What information should be included in this outline?

The outline should include a brief abstract summing up your aims and methods, sketch the guiding questions of your project within the context of current academic debates, and indicate how your dissertation will make an original and important contribution to the field. Your research proposal should also outline the source materials that will use, a realistic timetable for the completion of your project and a select bibliography. Find a chart illustrating the five most important academic guidelines for your research proposal here.

Does the outline of the dissertation project have to run up to exactly 10 pages?

No, but it should definitely not exceed 10 pages.

The focus of my thesis is not literary and/or cultural studies – is it still possible to apply for the programme?

If your thesis does not focus on literary and/or cultural studies, the courses offered in the IPP will not be directly relevant to your project and we would therefore not encourage application. It all depends on how close or related the topic is to the research emphasis of the IPP. We are, of course, happy to help you with any further questions you might have concerning the compatibility of your research project with the IPP programme.

In the application, I am asked to specify the 'Academic Discipline of the Doctoral / PhD Thesis'. Am I eligible for membership in the IPP if this discipline is not taught at Justus Liebig University?

The IPP offers young researchers an interdisciplinary research environment with scholars from the JLU and other national and international institutions. If your research project fits into the IPP’s research profile, you are very welcome to apply for membership. We will be happy to assist you in finding individual solutions suited to your needs.