RA 5 Meeting | Media and Multiliteracy
- https://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/ggkgcsc/events/semester-overview/sose2024/research-area-meetings/ra-5-meeting-media-and-multiliteracy
- RA 5 Meeting | Media and Multiliteracy
- 2024-04-15T14:00:00+02:00
- 2024-04-15T16:00:00+02:00
Apr 15, 2024 from 02:00 to 04:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
For this session, we are going to read the introduction of Marie-Laure Ryan book "Storyworlds Across Media" (2014) which you are welcome to access in the digital format throught the JLU library here. The discussion at the meeting will focus on how media, old and new, give birth to various types of storyworlds and provide different ways of experiencing them.