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WS: Alterity - An Analytical Concept?


Feb 02, 2016 from 11:00 to 02:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, GCSC, R. 001

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(+49) 0641 99 30053

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In the humanities and social sciences during the last years we can observe a much more intensive debate on “identity“ than on “alterity“. In this workshop we shall take another route and try to bring the notion of “alterity“ to the fore – asking whether this concept is as much a theoretical and a practical concept as it is the case with “identity“. At first sight it seems to be rather slippery as an analytical category.    

In the workshop we are not focusing mainly on philosophical/ethical questions of alterity and difference (Levinas, Kristeva, Todorov) or on the anthropological critique of the representation of “the other“ in the wake of the writing culture debate – though we will mention these classic positions. Rather we shall discuss - more pragmatically - analytical “tools“ which could be made useful for investigating strategies of alterization (“Othering“), especially in the field of (social and medial) representation  – for instance by applying specific “grammars“ of alterity (Gingrich/Baumann), by differenciating between alterity and alienness. As this workshop has been developed in collaboration with the working group “The 1968 Newsreels“ and two Research Areas, the focus will be directed on questions of representing alterity (especially in the context of the visual media). This approach will involve stereotyping, projection, image construction, propagandistic exaggeration etc.  





  • Shingo Shimada: Cultural Differences and the Problem of Translation, in: Richard Rottenburg/Burkhard Schnepel/Shingo Shimada, eds.: The Making and Unmaking of Differences: Anthropological, Sociological and Philosophical Perspectives. Bielefeld 2015, 83-95, esp. 83-90.