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Emerging Topic AG - Religion in the Study of Culture: Reading Retreat


Jan 21, 2016 from 11:00 to 04:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, Haus B, R.25

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(+49) 0641 99 30046

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Sacred/Secular Space
Reading Retreat with Daniel Weidner organized by ETWG "Religion and Culture"
21.01.2016, 11am-4:30pm, B25

11:00-12:30 Geographies of the Sacred
Readings: Chidster, David & Linenthal, Edward (1995). The American Sacred Space. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Pp. 1-41 (‘Introduction’). // Smith, Philip (1999). “The Elemantary Forms of Place and their Transformations: a Durkheimian Model“. Qualitative Sociology 22(1): 13-36.
Further Readings: Smith, Jonathan Z. (1978). Map Is Not Territory: Studies in the History of Religions. Chicago and London: Chicago University Press: pp. 88-103 (‘Chapter 4: The Wobbling Pivot’).

13:00-14:30 The Politics of Sacred Space
Readings: Krase, Jerome & Shortell, Timothy (2015). “Seeing Islam in Global Cities: A Spatial Semiotic Analysis.” In: Seeing Religion: Toward a Visual Sociology of Religion, ed. Roman Williams, Taylor&Francis. Pp. 146 // : Luz, Nimrod (2008). “The politics of sacred places: Palestinian identity, collective memory, and resistance in the Hassan Bek mosque conflict“. Environment and Planning: Society and Space (26): 1036-1052 // Stanner, W.E.H.
(1970/2010). The Dreaming and Other Essays. Collingwood: Black Inc Books. Pp. 225- 245 (“The Yirrkala Land Case: Dress Rehearsal“).

15:00-16:30 Secular/Sacred Space
Readings: Knott, Kim (2008). “Inside, Outside and the Space In-Between: Territories and Boundaries in the Study of Religion“. Temenos: Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 44:1: 83-108. // Taylor, Charles (2007). A Secular Age. Cambridge a.o.: Belknap Press of Harvard University. Pp. 1-24 („Introduction“). Further Readings: Weidner, Daniel (2010). „Thinking beyond Secularization: Walter Benjamin, the „Religious Turn“, and the Poetics of
Theory“. New German Critique 111 (37): 131-148. // Eschbach, Insa & Landwerd, Susanne (2000). „Säkularisierung, Sakralisierung und Kulturkritik“. Metis 9(18): 10-26.