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Aufbaukurs Promotion FB 04 (Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften) / Intermediate Course Faculty 04 (History and Cultural Studies)


Nov 27, 2015 from 09:00 to 05:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, Haus B, R. 29

Contact Name

Contact Phone

(+49) 0641 99 30046

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By the end of Sunday 8 November please send in English or German:

* the latest version of your exposé/abstract - the full, German-style version

* a US/UK-style abstract of your work - so 1-3 pages, including summaries of each chapter

* your latest outline/Gliederung

* one powerpoint slide containing your current title

* if possible, a chapter, article or conference presentation showcasing your writing.


* Please also prepare for the first session on 20 November (if you will miss the 20 November session, you can do it on 27 November) a short presentation lasting between 5-10 minutes where you will focus on the sources at the centre of your research. Please use the presentation to consider your methodology in respect of your sources and how your central concepts and theories are relevant to your reading of your sources. You can also discuss any practical questions of access to your sources or the practical reproduction of them in your thesis (copyright issues, ethical issues, etc.)


It would also be very helpful, if it is possible, for you to bring copies of your sources - either as photocopies of printed documents, powerpoint projections of paintings, videos etc., or audio/video materials from interviews (if you have clearance to use them publicly).