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MC: Nathalie Dessens: Memories of Slavery: New Orleans, the Creole Culture


Jun 09, 2015 from 10:00 to 02:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Phil I, Haus B, R. 25

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This Master Class will examine the question of the memorialization of slavery in the Americas. We will first work on the History/memory dichotomy, before discussing the various possible ways in which slavery may be memorialized (museums, monuments, immaterial memorialization, etc.). After comparing how the main former slave societies have chosen to address the question of the memory of slavery (Brazil, the Caribbean, the US South), we will focus on the case of New Orleans to see how the choices made reflect the socio-cultural reality of New Orleans. This will help us discuss the way in which present societies may be studied through their memorialization choices.


The texts 'The Slave Route' and 'Slavery and Justice' are to be read for discussion in the Masterclass. Optional texts to be read are 'Slavery, Colonialism and Museums' and 'Nora_105'.