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QDFCT: HERstories : What happened to Marielle Franco?


Dec 05, 2018 from 04:00 to 06:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil. II, Building E, R. 207

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Research Network in Queer Studies, Decolonial Feminisms, and Cultural Transformations

05.12.2018 |       HERstories : What happened to Marielle Franco?

                        Katucha Bento (The University of Leeds)

                        16.00-18.00, Phil. II, Building E, R. 207

with Katucha Bento (The University of Leeds)

The lecture series “Queer and Feminist Approaches in the Study of Coloniality and Racism” organized by the Research Network in Queer Studies, Decolonial Feminisms and Cultural Transformations (QDFCT) continues this semester with three more presentations. With the support of Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte of JLU and the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Katucha Bento (the University of Leeds) will hold the first lecture of the series, "HERstories: What happened to Marielle Franco?" on the 5th of December in E207, Philosophikum II.

HERstories: What happened to Marielle Franco?
Marielle Franco was born in July 1979 in the Maré favela complex, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A mother, with Masters in Public Administration, self-identified as bisexual, the 5th most voted council woman in Rio de Janeiro, Marielle Franco raised the Human Rights issue against the militarisation of the favelas in the city. On the 14th March 2018 she was assassinated, along with her driver, Anderson Gomes. Some questions remain unanswered: Who killed Marielle and Anderson? How can we seek Justice for their deaths? However, Brazilian population have been responding to the genocide of Black people with strategies that can be seen in the last elections with more presence of Black women elected. This lecture will cover the HERstory of Marielle Franco to portray how intersectional oppressions are present in the Brazilian setting, as well the voices of resistance that have been flourishing. Topics on police brutality, the increase of Black women in the politics and Queer performativity will be the focus of this discussion.

Katucha Bento studied her BA in Sociology and Politics at the Foundation School of Sociology and Politics of Sao Paulo (FESPSP, Brazil) with a partial grant from a project called Políticas da Cor (Politics of Colour) funded by Ford Foundation. Before her MA she was involved in Educational projects, activism and teaching. Her MA programme was in Sociological Research at the University of Barcelona (UB, Catalonia). During this time, she worked as researcher in two projects: one about migration flow in six different coutries in Europe, the other with Transgender Women in Spain analysing the public Heath Care during their transition. Her MA research was on the construction of white lesbian desire challenging paradigms of whiteness and the possibilities of activism in the LGBTQI community. She is currently finishing her PhD on how the (post)colonial British setting affects Black Brazilian Women diasporic experiences. She is a visiting researcher at Leeds Beckett University, in the Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality (CRED) and associated in QDFCT at the Justus-Liebig-Universitat in Giessen.

***The location of this event has been changed to E207, Phil II***


Further Dates:

23.01.2019 |       Die Haitianische Revolution – queer gelesen                      

                        Jeanette Ehrmann (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)

                         16.00-18.00, Phil. II, Building E, R. 207

06.02.2019 |       Forschung als politisches Projekt: Kritische Ansätze politischer Forschung am Beispiel Trans Studies

                         Persson Perry Baumgartinger (Mozarteum & Universität Salzburg)

                         16.00-18.00, Phil. II, Building E, R. 207

For further details: