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MC: Tim Cresswell: Mobilities Theory in an Interdisciplinary Context


Jan 17, 2018 from 10:00 to 02:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, Building B, R.029

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In this masterclass we will use these readings to consider the ways the insights of the “new mobilities paradigm” can be mobilized across and between disciplines. I will provide a brief introduction to some of the main themes of mobilities research and the ways I have found it useful in my own work as a cultural geographer. This will be contextualized within a wider interest in “critical geosophy”  - a project that focusses on the role of geographical phenomena (such as mobility, space, place, and scale) in the constitution of social and cultural lifeworlds and hierarchies.  Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the ways these insights might be put to use in their own doctoral research – which they will be expected to introduce.



Tim Cresswell, (2006) On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World Chapters 1 and 2

Tim Cresswell (2010) ‘Towards a Politics of Mobility” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28/1: 17-31

Tim Cresswell (2016) ‘Black Moves: Moments in the History of African-American Masculine Mobilities’ Transfers 6/1: 12-25 (can see longer version of this on my blog at

Mimi Sheller and John Urry (2006) ‘The New Mobilities Paradigm’ Environment and Planning A 38: 207-226

Mimi Sheller and John Urry (2016) ‘Mobilizing the new mobilities paradigm’ Applied Mobilities 1: 10-25


//Tim Cresswell (Trinity College, Connecticut, United States)