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MC: Doris Bachmann-Medick: Concepts in the Study of Culture Part III


Feb 02, 2017 from 11:00 to 02:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, GCSC, R.001

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(+49) 0641 99 30053

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Part III (“Output” Session): Applicability to One’s Own Dissertation

Explicit and goal-oriented discussion on how to identify and apply the (culture) concepts to each individual project
This third part of the MC series is meant to develop and discuss individual ideas of how to make the topics dealt with pragmatically applicable to one’s own work (in the dissertation, in Research Areas, in other scholarly engagements, etc.)

Basic Requirement for Preparation:
Short contributions or presentations of some exemplary questions/parts/problems of the individual dissertation projects to be discussed in the group.
-Johannes Angermüller: How to Become an Academic Philosopher; Academic Discourse as a Multileveled Positioning Practice, in: Sociologia Historica 2(2013): 263-289.