Cohort 15
Arias Aróstegui, Enrique Alfredo | Coping with Danger: Collective Memories of El Nino in Peru throughout the Twentieth Century |
Belsoff, Fabricio | Forms and functions of agonism in the ecological aesthetics of three performance artworks |
Brigard Torres, Juan Camilio | Emplotting (Non)Violence: Representations of Collectivity in Conflict in Colombian Life Writing |
Ciesielski, Markus | Rechtsreform und Ungleichheit. Die kolumbianische acción de tutela und das Recht auf Bildung |
De Souza Possignolo, Giovana | Contesting the coloniality of the periphery from a Brazilian peripheral feminist activism's perspective |
Djordjevic, Edward | Gulliver's Travels or a Sketch of a Political Theory |
Goodrich, Candace | Reading ecosemiospheres - A Comparative Analysis of Extractive Fiction and Art |
Held, Christoph | Demokratische Mythen in der simulativen Demokratie. Eine metakritische Untersuchung emanzipativer Narrative in zeitgenössischen Demokratietheorien |
Jung, Sebastian | Mutantenfiktionen |
Lorenz, Marius | So let's pretend that we have no weight on our shoulders. Draußensein als kompensatorische Praxis und Inszenierung. |
Noske, Sarah Maria | Women and their Agency in Cultural Encounters in the 19th Century, (Post-) Colonial Histories from the Antipodes |
Nüchter, Lena | Employing the Humanities. Assessing Strategies for Enchancing the Employability of Humanities Graduates in Germany and the UK |
Pavlova, Magarita | Not by Rock Alone: Sociocultural Associations of Leningrad Underground in Gorbachev's Russia |
Peters, Simon | Gegenwärtige Transformationsprozesse in der Wertausrichtung des Qualitätsmanagements von Institutionen sozialer Arbeit |
Pindus, Fabian | Die Vielfalt des Lebens als Kapital. Realisierungen der traveling idea der Biodiversität im südlichen Afrika |
Rada, Tevfik | Insurgent Images: Militant Cinema Practices in Turkey, 1968-80 |
Rezaei, Somaye | Toward a Conceptualization of Satiric Ethics: Transformative Justice of the Antiracist Humor in US Comic Journalism |
Ruvalcaba Galindo, Edith | Cultural Cooperation in a globalized World: The EU#s strategic approach to international cultural relations and ist implementation in Mexico as a Strategic Partner |
Schädel, Tobias | Postfaktizität und Geltung. Zur Entgrenzung von Wissenskulturen und moralischen Kollektiven im Medium der Öffentlichkeit |
Schmieder, Robin | Vlogging the Self – A Narratology of Online Video Diaries |
Sim, Jacqueline | Politiken der UnSichtbarkeit. Sozialphilosophische Untersuchung des Verhältnisses von Weiblichkeit und Tierlichkeit |
Sontange, Kwezi | A theoretical interpretation of the transnational agency of SADC migrants in Johannesburg |
Tarku, Iryna | Stories of the Mundus Inversus: Memory, Trauma, and Resilience in Donbas War Prose |
Vojgani, Zahra | Auto-fiction and Resilience in Iranian-francophone writers |