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Cohort 18

Emilio Aguas Rodriguez

The (de)colonisation of the archive for the Colombian pluriverse. counter‐narratives from the afro and the indigenous, speculative and science fiction narratology as a methodology for the development of a sentipensante audiovisual anarchive.

Burcu Bacanak Şahin

Encounter of Actors with Diverse Mental Abilities: A Case Study on Theater Thikwa

Alexandros Balatsoukas

From Empire to Nation‐State: The Emergence of Modern Turkey

Ievgen Bilyk

How knowledge about open data is created: analysis of formal international rankings and community‐based practices

Hatunnur Ciftci

House of Terror: Domestic Spaces and Queer Counter‐Spaces in Contemporary British Fiction

Katharina Hacker

Changes of transcollective memory structures of the Ovaherero and Nama genocide in the course of recognition processes

Mortada Haidar

Negotiating Identity in Diasporic Lebanese Anglophone Literature of the Post-Civil War Era

Helene Heuser

Millennium Pop – self‐spirituality, globalization, and ecology in mainstream music

Cara Illert

In Pursuit of Happiness? Exploring Forms of the Good Life in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction.

Anna Ivanova

Decommunization in the Urban Space of Ukraine: Discourses, Identities and Symbols

Antonia Jungwirth

The Slapstick Gap ‐ komische Körper und gegenderte Gags im Stummfilm

Yauheniya Lekarevich

Age, Gender, and Agency in Soviet and Post‐Soviet Children’s Literature

Siyu Li

I am immortal: an investigation of parasitism and mutuality in expired food

Onur Karaköse

Dramatizing Mass Shootings on the Contemporary American Stage: Theater and the Public ‐Negotiation of a Nation in Crisis

Yuliia Kolisnyk

Universals and Specific Features of Cliched and Poetic Epitaphs in Slavic Languages

Julia Latzel

Visuelle Interpretationen und Erzeugung von Welt - Künstlerische Reflexionen zu Un‐/Sichtbarkeiten im Dispositiv der Überwachung

Navid Nail

Blank‐Sign Protests in Light of Past Cultural Interventions of Absence and Monochrome Spaces

Tien Phat Nguyen

Storytelling Techniques in The 21st Century: An Intermedial Approach

Natallia Pazniak

Schreibweisen der Depression in der ukrainischen und belarusischen Gegenwartsliteratur

Reiqa Qubailat

The Invisible Camps: Improvised Refugee Camps: Driving Factors, Impacts, and Recommended Policies

Quintero, Tatiana Quintero

Collective Memory in Colombia: A strategy to reconstruct historical recounts, resist, and re‐exist in ethnic territories

Janina Schlüsselburg

Affective Artifacts of Migration: How Images of Migration Influence Human Rights Discourse

Bianca Schüller

Women with Magical Powers in Fairy Tale Retellings from the 19th to the 21st Century: Ideological Implications from a Cognitive Perspective

Ana Spasojevic

Zwischen kulturellen Identitäten und literarischen Traditionen. Interdependenzen von Geschlecht und Narration in Guzel’ Jachinas Roman „Ėšelon na Samarkand“

Tristan Stinnesbeck

Das postpolitische Subjekt. Der Funktionswandel der Öffentlichkeit aus kultursoziologischer Perspektive

Henning Tauche

Extreme Geschichtsbilder als Herausforderung für die Geschichtsdidaktik –Vergangenheitsdiskurse und strategische Kommunikation in unterschiedlichen Medien der Neuen Rechten

Nora Theml

Sprechen über Heimat ‐ Erinnerungsbilder über Flucht, Vertreibung und Integration in narrativen Interviews mit Vertriebenen und deren Nachkommen in Hessen

Anjuli Trautmann

A Critical Analysis of Irish-American Self-Representations in the Twenty-First Century

Bekir Yilan

Gayaz Isxakiy: Der russländlisch-tatarische Autor und sein Schreiben zwischen Islam, Soziolismus und Nationalismus