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Coping with Danger: Collective Memories of El Nino in Peru throughout the Twentieth Century
Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters |
Forms and functions of agonism in the ecological aesthetics of three performance artworks GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Prof. Dr. Bojana Kunst Stromajer |
Juan Camillo Brigard Torres |
Emplotting (Non)Violence: Representations of Collectivity in Conflict in Colombian Life Writing GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning |
Markus Ciesielski |
Rechtsreform und Ungleichheit. Die kolumbianische acción de tutela und das Recht auf Bildung GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters |
Giovana De Souza Possignolo |
Contesting the coloniality of the periphery from a Brazilian peripheral feminist activism's perspective GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Gutiérrez Rodríguez |
Edward Djordjevic |
Gulliver's Travels or a Sketch of a Political Theory GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide |
Matteo Gallo Stampino |
(Öko)Literatur und Anthropozän: von Berge, Meere und Giganten bis zur heutigen Werken University of Bergamo – PhDnet 5th Cycle |
Prof. Dr. Elena Agazzi |
Prof. Dr. A nnette Simonis |
Candace Goodrich |
Reading ecosemiospheres - A Comparative Analysis of Extractive Fiction and Art GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Dr. habil Michael Basseler |
Christoph Held |
Demokratische Mythen in der simulativen Demokratie. Eine metakritische Untersuchung emanzipativer Narrative in zeitgenössischen Demokratietheorien GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide |
Prof. Dirk Jörke
TU-Darmstadt, Politikwissenschaft |
Juulia Jaulimo |
Impossibility in Fiction? Reframing the Concept of Impossible Worlds in the Novels of Kathy Acker, Stephen King, and Kate Atkinson
Prof. Dr. H eta Pyrhönen | Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning |
Sebastian Jung |
Mutantenfiktionen GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Wirth |
Apl. Prof. Dr. Lothar Schneider |
Marius Lorenz |
So let's pretend that we have no weight on our shoulders. Draußensein als kompensatorische Praxis und Inszenierung. GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Bojana Kunst Stromajer |
Iyari Martínez |
Imaginations from the Other Side: Literary Representations of Europe in the 20th Century Latin American Literature Catholic University of Lisbon – PhDnet 5th Cycle |
Prof. Dr. A na Margarida Abrantes |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Wirth |
Franziska Müller |
Fluid Borderscapes in Contemporary German-Speaking Literature University of Warwick – PhDnet 5th Cycle |
Prof. Dr. E lisabeth Herrmann |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Wirth |
Sanna-Mari Niemi |
Spatial and Fictional Storytelling in Contemporary Museum Exhibition Narratives University of Helsinki – PhDnet 5th Cycle |
Prof. Dr. H eta Pyrhönen |
Prof. Dr. Annette Simonis |
Women and their Agency in Cultural Encounters in the 19th Century, (Post-) Colonial Histories from the Antipodes GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Katharina Stornig (Co-Tutelle Severin-Barboutie) |
Prof. Dr. Kate Fullagar,
Instute for Humanities and Social Sciences Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australien |
Lena Nüchter |
Employing the Humanities. Assessing Strategies for Enchancing the Employability of Humanities Graduates in Germany and the UK GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl |
Dr. Michael Tomlinson
School of Education University of Southampton, UK |
Margarita Pavlova |
Not by Rock Alone: Sociocultural Associations of Leningrad Underground in Gorbachev's Russia GCSC 15 |
Prof. Thomas Bohn |
Dr. Juliane Fürst
Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam |
Simon Peters |
Gegenwärtige Transformationsprozesse in der Wertausrichtung des Qualitätsmanagements von Institutionen sozialer Arbeit GCSC 15 |
PD Dr. habil Jens Mäße | Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl |
Fabian Pindus |
Die Vielfalt des Lebens als Kapital. Realisierungen der traveling idea der Biodiversität im südlichen Afrika GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens |
Dr. Andre Goodrich,
Faculty of Humanities, North-West-University Potchefstroom, Südafrika |
Tevfik Rada |
Insurgent Images: Militant Cinema Practices in Turkey, 1968-80 GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens |
Somaye Rezaei |
Toward a Conceptualization of Satiric Ethics: Transformative Justice of the Antiracist Humor in US Comic Journalism GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Dr. habil Michael Basseler |
Edith Ruvalcaba Galindo |
Cultural Cooperation in a globalized World: The EU's strategic approach to international cultural relations and ist implementation in Mexico as a Strategic Partner GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Andrea Gawrich |
Tobias Schädel |
Postfaktizität und Geltung. Zur Entgrenzung von Wissenskulturen und moralischen Kollektiven im Medium der Öffentlichkeit GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens |
Riccardo Schöfberger |
Solid like Water, Liquid like Iron. Masculinities in German and Italian Contemporary Literature University of Graz – PhDnet 5th Cycle |
Prof. Dr. Susanne Knaller |
Prof. Dr. Annette Simonis |
Robin Schmieder |
Vlogging the Self – A Narratology of Online Video Diaries GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning |
Jacqueline Sim |
Politiken der UnSichtbarkeit. Sozialphilosophische Untersuchung des Verhältnisses von Weiblichkeit und Tierlichkeit GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Elif Özmen | Prof. Dr. Roland Borgards |
Kwezi Sontange |
A theoretical interpretation of the transnational agency of SADC migrants in Johannesburg GCSC 15 |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl |
Prof. Dr. Johan Zaaiman
North-West University; School of Social Sciences: Sociology |
Iryna Tarku |
Stories of the Mundus Inversus: Memory, Trauma, and Resilience in Donbas War Prose GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann | Dr. habil. Michael Basseler |
Miriam Thaler |
Ethics and Forms of Remembering: An Exploration of Current Negotiations of Portuguese Collective (Post-)Colonial Memory Catholic University of Lisbon – PhDnet 5th Cycle |
Prof. Dr. A driana Martins |
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning |
Zahra Vojgani |
Auto-fiction and Resilience in Iranian-francophone writers GCSC 15, IPP XIX |
Prof. Dr. Kirsten von Hagen | Dr. habil. Michael Basseler |
Gero von Roedern |
National Socialism, Language and Reality – An Exploration of Ego-documents University of Graz – PhDnet 5th Cycle |
Prof. Dr. H eidrun Zettelbauer |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Wirth |