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Friederike Rhein



Friederike Rhein


Professorship for Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare & 3R Center
Clinical Center for Veterinary Medicine
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen



Room: 107
Phone: +49 (0)641 9938758


Short CV

Friederike Rhein studied veterinary medicine at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen from 2014 to 2020.

During her rotation year, she completed an internship in the field of clinical research and was entrusted with researching a question. Her fascination with this topic lasted beyond the internship, so she took the initiative to apply to Prof. Dr Krämer as a doctoral candidate and is now doing her doctorate on this topic, supervised by Prof. Dr Krämer.

Friederike Rhein has been working on her externally funded dissertation topic since June 2020, while also helping with teaching at the university and working as a project assistant at the Animal Welfare Research Centre from July.

From 2020 to 2023, she also worked one day a week in a small animal practice, keeping close to the patients and practical cases, which was a valuable enrichment for her work on the dissertation.

Since January 2024, she has taken over 50% of the coordination of the animal welfare department at the newly founded Interdisciplinary Center for Animal Welfare Research and 3R (ICAR3R) and has also been employed as a half-time research assistant at the Chair of Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare since February 2024, where she is primarily responsible for supervising external doctoral students and is involved in student teaching. Her research focuses on measuring the quality of life and well-being of animals, research into the implementation of Section 11b of the German Animal Welfare Act (TierSchG) and interdisciplinary research with a focus on sociological and psychometric methods.



  • Rhein F, Klee R, Albrecht B, Krämer S. (2024). Die Komplexität und Individualität von Lebensqualität und Wohlbefinden [Posterbeitrag]. 29. Internationale DVG-Fachtagung zum Thema Tierschutz, München

  • Kalb J, Teinert E, Rhein F, Wenzel S, Krämer S (2023) „Hier rein, da raus“ – Der Nachwuchs up to date? Wie können wir die Wissensvermittlung und Rahmenbedingungen so gestalten, dass ein nachhaltiger Benefit für alle Beteiligten entsteht? [Vortrag]. Tag der Schulkooperationen. Die JLU als Kooperationspartner reflektieren und gestalten - Eine inneruniversitäre Tagung am 30. März 2023, Gießen


  • Rhein F, Klee R, Albrecht B, Krämer S. (2024). Die Komplexität und Individualität von Lebensqualität und Wohlbefinden. In: Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft e. V. (Hg.): 29. Internationale DVG-Fachtagung zum Thema Tierschutz. Schwerpunkt: „Tierschutz ohne Grenzen“ Gleiches Recht für alle? München, 29.02.-02.03.2024. 1. Aufl.: Verlag der DVG Service GmbH, S. 340–343.

  • Rhein F, Krämer S (2022). Rückzüchtung von Qualzuchtrassen. Wenn eine lange Nase und Rute keine Garantie für Gesundheit sind. In: Wuff-. Das Premium Hundemagazin. 6/22, S. 56-63