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  1. The role of biological fungicides in conventional agriculture: SCI Symposium: Innovation in crop production for productivity and biodiversity, September 9, 2009
  2. Strategies for the research and development of a Fungicide, CCPIA Conference, Shanghai, China, September 27, 2009
  3. Two sustainable Fungicide solutions – Experience from BASF, Nankai University Tianjin (China), January 18, 2011
  4. New Approaches in Crop Protection Research, BASF Fungicide Conference in Paris, February 3, 2011
  5. Xemium Fungicide, Leading Performance for Growing Success, CCPIA Conference, October 2011
  6. The future roles of Crop Protection Technologies, CCPIA, 20 October 2012
  7. New Technological Approaches for Crop Protection: Partnering Opportunities, Newmarket, 19. November 2013
  8. Some thoughts on technology for future Crop Protection and beyond, Bidwells Arable Conference UK 2014
  9. Pflanzenschutz: Technologische Entwicklungen und zukünftige Perspektiven Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft Senior Symposium Perspektiven, Ideen und Innovationen für die Landwirtschaft 2030, 19. September 2019
  10. Pflanzenschutz: Technologische Entwicklungen und zukünftige Perspektiven, Frankfurter Landwirtschaftlichen Verein, 15. Januar 2020