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For questions please contact: ernaehrungspsychologie-lehre


Modules in winter term

  • MP-249 Eating and weight disorders
  • MP-251 Feminist perspectives on body image and weight


Modules in summer term

  • BP-185 Nutritional psychology


Further information

Further information as well as module descriptions and timetables can be found in Stud.IP and on the general pages of the faculty in the section 

>> Stud.IP

>> FB09 > Studium



Theoretical thesis: If you are interested in writing your Bachelor or Master thesis at the Chair of Nutritional Psychology, please consider the guidelines on applying for Bachelor and Master theses. You will find a template for your application below. Please fill out the template and propose your topic of interest. The application process for the summer term 24 is closed. Applications for the winter term 24/25 are possible between 10/06-23/06/24 (updated on 16/05/2024).

Experimental thesis: Unfortunately, we are not yet able to offer experimental Bachelor or Master theses until winter term 25/26. If you are interested in an experimental thesis, please look here for current information as of summer 25 (updated on 19th February 2024).

External thesis: If you are interested in an external supervision by the Chair of Nutritional Psychology, please contact Prof. Dr. Gisch by e-mail.

Guidelines: Procedure for applying for Bachelor and Master theses at the Chair of Nutritional Psychology

Template: Topic proposal for your thesis

Assistance: Overview with tips for your research question and hypotheses


Research internship

If you are interested in a research internship at the Chair of Nutritional Psychology, please send us an e-mail with your application and your suggested length of internship. Please note that we are unable to offer a study-related internship which can be approved by the university (BP-144/MP-196).