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Yves Klinger

  • Research assistant


    Division of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning
    Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resource Management
    Research Center for Biosystems, Land Use and Nutrition (iFZ)
    Justus Liebig University Giessen
    Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26–32
    35392 Giessen

    Tel  : 0641 / 99-37177
    Fax : 0641 / 99-37169

Research and methods:

Coordination Lore Steubing Institute JLU

I am currently working on three main research areas:

Grassland and restoration ecology: vegetation ecology, field studies, greenhouse experiments and interview studies

Invasive species: monitoring, development of management strategies at landscape level

Phenology : use of freely available citizen science data to model large-scale phenological patterns

Ongoing Projects:

Potential am Wegrand - Resiliente Agrarlandschaften der Zukunft (WegAS)

PEGasuS - Plant-Enzyme Interactions along Gradients of Resource Stoichiometry

Completed Projects:

Ziel erreicht? - Mahdgutübertragung in der Renaturierungspraxis

Erhaltung und Restituierung der Artenvielfalt in dern Bergwiesen des Biosphärenreservats Rhön - Management der invasiven Stauden-Lupine ( Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.) in einem komplexen Schutzgebietssystem