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Dr. Océane Schmitt


Telefon: +49 641 99 37647


OCRID: 0000-0003-4932-3743

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Curriculum Vitae

Since 2023 

PostDoc, Chair Animal Husbandry, Behaviour and Welfare Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen (Germany)

2020-2024 PostDoc, Institute for Animal Welfare and Animal Behaviour, Veterinary Medicine University Vienna (Austria)

PostDoc, Animal Welfare and Behaviour group, University of Bristol  (UK)


Ph.D. Developmental biology, Teagasc (Ireland) and University of Edinbugh (UK)


MSc EURAMA – Partnership between Ecole d’Ingenieurs de Purpan (France) and Wageningen University (The Netherlands)

MSc Animal Science (specialisation: Health and Behaviour) –Wageningen University (The Netherlands)

MSc Agricultural Sciences – Ecole d’Ingenieurs de Purpan (France)

2008-2011 BSc Agricultural Science – Ecole d’Ingenieurs de Purpan (France)


Research Interests

  • Social cognition and human-animal interactions
  • Animal Welfare
  • Livestock cognition (especially pigs and goats)



  • Oczak M, Rault JL, Truong S, Schmitt O, 2024. Skeleton-based image feature extraction for automated behavioral analysis in human-animal relationship tests. Applied Animal Science, 106347.
  • Schmitt O, Finnegan E, Trevarthen A, Wongsaengchan C, Paul ES, Mendl M and Fureix C, 2024. Exploring the similarities between risk factors triggering depression in humans and elevated in-cage "Inactive But Awake" behavior in laboratory mice. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences. 11:1348928.
  • Rooney H, Schmitt O, Courtil A, O'Driscoll K, 2021. Like mother like child: Do fearful sows have fearful piglets? Animals, 11(5), 1232.
  • Kappel S, Schmitt O, Finnegan E, Fureix C, 2021. Learning from lockdown - Assessing the positive and negative experiences, and coping strategies of researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 23, 105269.
  • Schmitt O, O’Driscoll K, 2021. Use of Infra-Red Thermography to non-invasively assess neonatal piglet temperature. Translational Animal Science, 5(1), txaa208.
  • Schmitt O, Poidevin A, O’Driscoll K, 2020. Does diversity matter? Behavioural differences between piglets given diverse or similar forms of enrichment pre-weaning. Animals, 10(10), 1837.
  • Schmitt O, Reigner S, Bailly J, Ravon L, Billon Y, Gress L, Bluy L, Gilbert H, Canario L, Bonnet A, Liaubet L. Thermoregulation at birth differs between piglets from two genetic lines divergent for residual feed intake. Animal. 15(1), 100069.
  • Schmitt O, Baxter EM, Lawlor PG, Boyle LA, O'Driscoll K, 2019. A single dose of energy supplement to light birth-weight pigs shortly after birth does not increase their survival and growth. Animals, 9(5), 227.
  • Schmitt O, O'Driscoll K, Baxter EM, 2019. Exploratory study of the effects of Intra-Uterine-Growth-Retardation and neonatal energy supplementation of low birth-weight piglets on their post-weaning cognitive abilities. Animal Cognition, 22(3):373-385.
  • Schmitt O, O'Driscoll K, Boyle LA, Baxter EM, 2019. Artificial rearing affects piglets pre-weaning behaviour, welfare and growth performance. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 210, 16-25.
  • Schmitt O, O'Driscoll K, Baxter EM, Boyle LA, 2019. Artificial rearing affects the emotional state and reactivity of pigs post-weaning. Animal Welfare, 28(4), 433-442.
  • Schmitt O, Baxter EM, Boyle LA, O'Driscoll K, 2019. Nurse sow strategies in the domestic pig: I. Consequences on selected measures of sow welfare. Animal, 13(3), 580-589.
  • Schmitt O, Baxter EM, Boyle LA, O'Driscoll K, 2019. Nurse sow strategies in the domestic pig: II. Consequences for piglet growth, suckling behaviour and sow nursing behaviour. Animal, 13(3), 590-599.
  • Brajon S, Laforest JP, Schmitt O, Devillers N, 2016. A preliminary study of the effects of individual response to challenge tests and stress induced by humans on learning performance of weaned piglets (Sus scrofa). Behavioural processes, 129, 27-36.
  • Brajon S, Laforest JP, Schmitt O, Devillers N, 2015. The way humans behave modulates the emotional state of piglets. PLoS One, 10, 1-17.
  • Webb LE, van Reenen CG, Jensen MB, Schmitt O, Bokkers EAM, 2015. Does temperament affect learning in calves? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 165, 33-39.