Wairich, Andriele
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Room B030
D-35392 Giessen, Germany
+49 641 9937442
Research Interests
*Iron and copper homeostasis in plants
*Tolerance mechanisms to abiotic stresses in crops
*Potential of rice wild relatives for sustainable crop production and nutritional quality
*Crop stress physiology and molecular biology
Curriculum Vitae
04.2022 - present: Postdoc at the Institute for Agronomy and Crop Physiology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen (Germany)
2018-2019: PhD Exchange Student at the Institute for Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), University of Bonn (Germany)
2016-2020: PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology at the Biosciences Institute, UFRGS (Brazil)
2014-2016: Master’s Degree in Phytotechnics with emphasis in Plant Breeding and Vegetal Biotechnology at the Crop Plants Department, UFRGS (Brazil)
2009-2014: Bachelor Eng Bioprocess and Biotechnology, UERGS (Brazil)