The teaching offered by the professorship aims to equip students with the necessary methodological knowledge to understand and evaluate existing agricultural and food economic analyses as well as to conduct their own empirical analyses. In this context, particular emphasis is placed on teaching scientific reading skills in order to prepare students for independent scientific work, especially the writing of a seminar paper, Bachelor's or Master's thesis.
Modules in Winter Semester
BK-003 Volkswirtschaftslehre und Betriebswirtschaftslehre I
BP-181 Grundlagen der Marktforschung
MK-003 Angewandte Ökonometrie
MK-102-EN-DI Global Food Markets (digital!)
MP-145-EN Methods of Regional Analysis & Planning
MP-220-EN-DI Special Topics of the UN Sustainable Development Goals I (digital!)
MP-221-EN-DI Special Topics of the UN Sustainable Development Goals II (digital!)
Modules in Summer Semester
BK-058 (N) Bioökonomie
BP-026 Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft in der EU
BP 130 Projekt- und Umweltmanagement
MK 045 (AR, NEWI, WW) Marktlehre
MK-111-EN-DI (ST) Scientific Working und Writing
Further Information
Further details on modules as well as their descriptions and schedules can be found in Stud.IP and on the faculty website under the following links i.e. category studies:
>> FB09 > Studies > While Studying > About Modules
Degree Theses
It is possible to write a thesis for a Bachelor or Master Degree at the professorship. Lists of available topics for Bachelor and Master theses can be found here.
Work Reports
The work reports are based on very good theses written at the professorship