Document Actions

Course of action

Here you can find some detailed informations about the Liebig-College.

Action plan


Studentship / Stipend
The Liebig-College includes a studentship that covers travel costs (one economy air fare/train round trip) and provides a monthly stipend to cover subsistence costs including accommodation.

Time and Duration of Stay for Summer

The Liebig-College runs May 15th – August 15th every year, with flexible time of arrival and departure. All students are expected to stay at least month, with a typical duration of three months.



During your stay you will live in Giessen -  a city in the center of Germany. Lectures and research projects take place at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Justus-Liebig-University.




The coordinator will assist in finding accomodation during your stay at the Liebig-College.


Research Project

You will work on a project at JLU's Chemistry Institutes in one of the research groups. Students will work in close collaboration with experienced graduate students and postdocs. Your project may be part or all of your bachelor thesis, depending on the duration of stay and the regulations of your home institution. To discover the various research topics of the research groups click here.


Lectures & Seminars
Part of the program also includes lectures and seminars by world-renowned experts in their specific field. An overview of the professors and visiting research professors within the Liebig-College is given here.



Feel free to contact  if you have questions!