Document Actions

Application & Partners



Where are suitable habitats for protected species in a landscape? Which elements of a landscape are crucial for ecosystem functioning? These are important questions for landscape planning, e.g. for identification of locations for wind turbines and landscape elements supported by agri-environmental schemes.


The ÖkoService project evaluates and purifies knowledge and methods of ecological research in order to answer these questions. The consequences of landscape modifications for protected species and ecosystem services can be estimated to give informed recommendations. For example, a pre-selection of areas for building activities based on the aggregated knowledge and methods may minimize future conflicts and cost.


 Further fields for application include:

  • Compensation schemes
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Regional and landscape planning
  • Agri-environmental schemes
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Management plans
  • National Strategy on Biological Diversity




The ÖkoService team works together with the following partners:


BLE-Logo The Rural Networking centre of Germany (Deutsche Vernetzungsstelle ländlicher Räume, DVS) that is associated with the German German Federal Office of Agriculture and Food (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, BLE) is concerned with networking, management and information of stakeholders in agri-environmental schemes (e.g. ELER program).



Nature conservation authority of the Regional Commission of Gießen (Obere Naturschutzbehörde am Regierungspräsidium Gießen) is concerened with issues of nature conservation in the Regional Commission of Gießen (e.g. in decisions on road building or railway tracks) and is responsible for selection and protection of Natura 2000 sites. 

 NGP-VB logo Nature conservation project of the Vogelsberg region (Naturschutzgroßprojekt Vogelsberg). Major goal of the project is to develop a sustainable concept that integrates nature conservation in agriculture and forestry for managing the project region comprising 92.000 ha in the Vogelsberg region.

Logo Wetterau UNB Local nature conservation authority of the Wetterau region (Untere Naturschutzbehörde Wetterau) is concerned with compensation schemes and regional planning and nature conservation in the rural district of Wetterau.

FENA-Logo Hesse’s service center for forest management and nature conservation (Servicezentrum für Forsteinrichtung und Naturschutz FENA des Landes Hessen) is concerned with conception and coordination of designation and notification of protection areas according to the habitats directive as well as monitoring of habitats and species.

DDA-Logo Federation of German Avifaunists (Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, DDA) is an association of regional and national federations in Germany that manages all assessment programs of birds in Germany.



Transfer interface


The following partners constitute interfaces to economy and can support the ÖkoService project with respect to current markets:

ECM-Logo Center for Foundation of universities in Central Hesse (Gründerzentrum der mittelhessischen Hochschulen, Entrepreneurship Cluster Mittelhessen, ECM)
constitutes a link between research and practice and aims at transferring knowledge out of the universities into economy by fostering stablishment of young companies.

Transmit_logo The Association for Transfer of Technology (Gesellschaft für Technologietransfer mbH, TransMIT) constitutes a link between universities and economy and aims at mediating contacts and ideas, helping scientists with patent law and marketing.