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Published Articles

  • Otto, M.S., Becker, N.I. & Encarnação, J.A. (im Druck) Quartierpräferenzen waldbewohnender Fledermäuse vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Thermoregulation. Nyctalus
  • Otto, M.S., Becker, N.I. & Encarnação, J.A. (2013) Cool gleaners: Thermoregulation in sympatric bat species. Mammalian Biology 78:212-215.
  • Encarnação, J.A., Otto, M.S. & Becker, N.I. (2012) Thermoregulation in male temperate bats depends on habitat characteristics. Journal of Thermal Biology 37:564–569.


Conference proceedings

Oral presentations


  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Thermoregulation during pregnancy in temperate forest-dwelling bats.” 9th International Conference on Behavior, Physiology & Genetic of Wildlife, Berlin
  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Thermoregulation during pregnancy in temperate forest-dwelling bats.” 16th International Bat Research Conference & 43rd North American Symposium on Bat Research, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Quartierpräferenzen waldbewohnender Fledermäuse vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Thermoregulation“ Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Fledermäuse Sachsen-Anhalt e.V., Roßla

Poster presentations


  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Cool gleaners: Thermoregulation in sympatric bat species.” 3rd international Berlin bat meeting: Bats in the Anthropocene, Berlin
  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Roost characteristics influence thermoregulation of forest-dwelling bat species.” Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Rottenburg-Ergenzingen
  • J.A. Encarnação, M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker “Thermoregulation in temperate bats depends on the habitat.” Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Rottenburg-Ergenzingen


  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Waste not, want not Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and roost altitude.” 10. Fachtagung der BAG-Fledermausschutz im NABU, Benediktbeuern
  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Waste not, want not Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and roost altitude.” 103th annual conference of the German Zoological Association, Hamburg
  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Waste not, want not Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and habitat.” 12th European Bat Research Symposium, Vilnius, Litauen
  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Waste not, want not Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and habitat.” 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy, Luxemburg, Luxemburg
  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Waste not, Want not - Thermoregulation in male Daubenton's bats.” Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Hannover


  • M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação “Waste not. Want not - Thermoregulation in male Daubenton's bats.” 40th Anniversary Conference; Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Giessen