Subproject 6 – Biogeochemical cycling
Plot scale modeling and upscaling of greenhouse gas emissions and nitrate leaching
SP6 covers the further development and application of an existing biogeochemical modeling platform, LandscapeDNDC. It aims at assessing effects of land management change of diversifying rice-maize-cropping systems on biosphere-atmosphere-exchange of C, N and H2O. In Phase I of ICON we revised the biogeochemistry module of LandscapeDNDC and added new algorithms to simulate CH4 emissions from rice paddies. The revised LandscapeDNDC model was successfully evaluated at site scale using data of the ICON project and other published datasets. In Phase II of ICON we will couple the rice growth model ORYZA to our framework and will apply LandscapeDNDC to other sites located in different pedo-climatic zones across the Philippines. Subsequent to site evaluation the model framework will be used at regional scale to assess consequences of land management changes on regional GHG balances. The coupled LandscapeDNDC-CMF model framework will also be used at catchment scale to assess how increased introduction of upland systems in formerly lowland rice systems will not only affect GHG emissions but also regional water balances, water quality (with regard to N loads) and yield parameters. For this a virtual catchment will be designed.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-IFU)
Karlsruher Institute of Technology
Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19
D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen