Document Actions

Subproject 5 – Greenhouse gas emissions

Greenhouse gas emission of different crop rotations of rice (flooded and non-flooded)and maize


In the second phase of ICON SP5 will continue with soil gas concentration and automated and manual GHG emission measurements in high temporal resolution across the ICON field trial. We will further use two automated GHG measuring systems at the ICON core field consisting of 27 chambers (sets of 13 and 14) two sampling systems and two gas chromatographs and infrared gas analyzers built and installed at the beginning of phase I. Dynamics and magnitude of CH4, N2O and CO2 emissions of diversified rice cropping systems will be studied including impacts of i) new upland crop management practices i.e. mulching and inter-crop cultivation and ii) of crack formation. The overarching goal is to further quantify and provide a comparative assessment of the global warming potentials (GWP) as well as yield scaled GWPs of different crop rotations and to evaluate mitigation potentials or risks of new management practices i.e. mulching and inter-crop cultivation. Following from results of ICON phase I, potential changes in soil organic carbon can play the key role in contributing to the GWP of upland R-MIX (rice flooded – rice non-flooded) and M-MIX (rice flooded and maize) systems. New management practices of mulching and inter-crop cultivation will also have impacts on SOC dynamics. Thus, evaluating changes of SOC stocks via detailed repeated inventory samplings is a further key objective of SP5. In addition to investigating potential bulk changes we also plan to quantify pools size changes of different SOC fractions. SP5 will take part in the joint crack experiment with investigating impacts of crack formation on GHG emissions and microbial biomass (C, N, 15N). Measurements of GHG exchange together with soil gas concentration profiles and trends in SOC stocks and fractions will allow for providing reliable data of spatial and temporal variability of GHG exchange to be linked to process studies of SP1-SP4 and for initialization, testing and validation of the mechanistic hydro-biogeochemical models

(SP 6/7).


PD Dr. Ralf Kiese



Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-IFU)
Karlsruher Institute of Technology
Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19
D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen