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Giessen Free-Air CO2 Enrichment Facility

PLUMEX-1PLUMEX-2The Giessen Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment technique was developed during 1994-1996 by S.W. Schmidt at the Department of Plant Ecology based on the classical FACE technique in order to adapt it to local site requirements.

Each ring (8 m inner diameter) consists of 24 identical segments. The main features of the Giessen system are:

  • a circular active plenum which consists of a modular structure with individually controlled exhausting and sucking vent pipes
  • the symmetric layout without any external blower provinding wind-direction independent CO2 enrichment control
  • the regulation of the CO2 target concentration with an electronic controller, which leads to CO2 concentrations of 22 % above ambient in a height of 40 cm above ground
  • low maintenance requirements
  • a reduction of the CO2 usage by approximately 5 %


detailed description of the enrichment technique:

Jäger, H.-J., Schmidt, S.W., Kammann, C., Grünhage, L., Müller, C. & Hanewald, K. (2003): The University of Giessen free-air carbon dioxide enrichment study: description of the experimental site and of a new enrichment system. Journal of Applied Botany 77, 117-127.

Schmidt, S.W. (2003): Ein modulares System zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von erhöhtem atmosphärischen Kohlendioxid auf Grünland-Ökosysteme. Dissertation, JLU Gießen.